
Membership Information

You have selected the BBQ FOR LIFE membership level.

You get all member benefits for life! As I evolve into multiple platforms, venues and creative outlets you will be with me every step of the way. As a BBQ for Life member you are supporting my endeavors to increase the quality and sophistication of my video content, as well as my ability to travel and share my talents and my perspective on life. My goal is to get people to think about their place in the world, the blessings they have, and the need to preserve and improve what we have here. If you take the people of the United States of America operating below the poverty line, all by itself, it still counts as one of the wealthiest nations on earth. There is much we can do to fix the problems that are simply brought about from an unthinking me-too ideology that has crept into all aspects of government, education and corporations. Awareness is all that it takes. And, that's where I come in. You will, of course, receive all benefits available.

The price for membership is $1,000.00 now.

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