I am a composer and creator. Expression through music, video, and photography is my passion and we need to put it to good use! The world has gone to hell in the proverbial hand-basket. I want you to help me fix things. I intend to travel to blue cities and red cities, interviewing the radical protestors and bringing red and blue into studios for one-on-one interviews where neither side has the support of their “crowd“. It is in this environment that people must defend their positions by truly thinking about what they believe and why they believe it. These interviews always wake up the lefties that never had a chance to think for themselves while attending the indoctrination camps we call “school”. These moments make the most compelling documentaries. This is how we will salvage an apparently lost generation of youth. Simply by conversing one on one, and allowing them to articulate their views. Your support will help me do these interviews and create documentaries and music videos that will wake many people up. The liberal media has usurped our youth, so we need to get out there and wake them up the only way we can.
Hit the Subscribe button below or to the right of this text and become a member. Your financial support will make a huge difference in this world. A wave can only start when we make it happen. You’ll have access to my full collection of music compositions. There are six tiers of membership, so scroll through all of them to find the one that suits you best.
If you aren’t so concerned with the music but would like to help fund my projects, then please click the Crowd Funding button just below this paragraph and donate what you can. I will be eternally grateful for your support in our efforts to restore normalcy to our great morals-based country.
Gary-Lee: Pfeffer is an American National and a living flesh and blood man.
By using this website you are acknowledging that you are a living flesh and blood man or woman engaging freely in a private agreement between you and I.
All media and other content on this website is Copyright (c) Gary Lee Pfeffer – 2007-2025 except for material used under the Fair Use Act.