The prevailing narrative of catastrophic, human-induced climate change has been leveraged to instill fear, justify expansive governmental control, and promote economically detrimental policies. However, a closer examination reveals that Earth’s climate dynamics are predominantly natural, and the benefits of increased atmospheric CO₂ are substantial. This article dismantles the myths surrounding climate change, presenting data-driven arguments to debunk the alarmist agenda.
What prompted me to write this article?
Today, while I was on my daily brazilians (my name for interval sprinting and running) I was wearing my black “I Global Warming” tank top.
A gentlemen jogging the other direction read the shirt… slowed down… jaw dropped open… came to a complete stop. … I stopped too.
He said, “You can’t be serious!” . …
To which I replied, “Yes”. …
He said, “How could you possibly!?”
Then I proceeded to rattle off the actual science vs. propaganda. I told him about the fact that several degrees rising in temperature will yield tens of thousands of new species, especially in the tropics. I told him that the more CO2 we have, the greener the planet becomes. And, the more plant life the planet has, the more oxygen is produced.
And, more oxygen, of course, leads to more thriving animal and human life.
Well! … He looked like I was speaking another language… Stunned… Not angry… as if he was now considering the possibility that he could be wrong.
We were both in a workout traveling in opposite directions so I ended it by telling him that everything we are being told in the mass media about “climatechange” is for the purposes of control through fear. Increasing yet more taxes, scaring us into “lockdowns” and poorer living standards than we have grown accustomed to.
I told him that he needs to start studying on his own and stop reading MSM (mainstream media) and science journals. “It’s a scam”!, I said. And, with that we parted ways. I hope that he comes around. And, I hope that anyone who reads this article, gives it the consideration that it is due. Afterall. Such incredibly serious issues are not things for which we should rely on anyone else… We should rely on our own research and assessment (ie, critical thinking). Enjoy the article.
1. The Science is Flawed:
Climate Change is a Natural Cycle, Not a Man-Made Disaster
Earth’s Climate Has Always Changed—Humans Are Not the Cause
Throughout Earth’s history, climate has undergone significant fluctuations independent of human activity. Ice core samples and geological data reveal 100,000-year Milankovitch cycles—natural shifts in Earth’s orbit that drive global temperature changes[i]. The Medieval Warm Period (900–1300 AD) saw temperatures higher than today, yet industrial emissions were nonexistent [ii] . Conversely, the Little Ice Age (1300–1850 AD) brought centuries of cooling, again without human influence. These historical climate events prove that Earth’s temperature shifts are natural, not driven by carbon emissions.
CO₂ is Not a Pollutant—It’s the Gas of Life
Carbon dioxide is an essential component for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Studies show that elevated CO₂ levels enhance crop yields, increase plant resilience, and improve water-use efficiency [iii]. NASA satellite data confirms that the planet has become 14% greener over the past 30 years due to increased CO₂ fertilization [iv]. During the age of dinosaurs, CO₂ levels were over 2,000 ppm (5x today’s levels), yet the planet supported vast, thriving ecosystems [v].
Warmer Temperatures Mean More Life, Not Less
Warm periods throughout history have led to booms in biodiversity and human prosperity. The Medieval Warm Period allowed agriculture to flourish in areas that are now too cold for large-scale farming [vi]. A few degrees of warming leads to longer growing seasons, more plant growth, and the expansion of habitable zones for wildlife. Contrary to alarmist predictions, human and animal health improves with warmth rather than declines [vii].
2. The Climate Change Agenda
Its About Control, Not Science
The Push to “Stop Climate Change” is a Power Grab
The push to curb climate change is less about saving the planet and more about concentrating power in the hands of governments and global elites. Carbon taxes, emissions regulations, and “Net Zero” policies increase government control over energy production, industry, and private property [viii]. Organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF) advocate for restrictions that disproportionately harm the middle class while elites continue flying private jets and living lavish lifestyles [ix].
Who Profits from the Green Energy Scam?
The renewable energy industry is a massive financial operation, with billions in government subsidies flowing into solar, wind, and electric vehicle markets. While everyday consumers suffer under rising energy costs, corporate interests and politicians profit from so-called green initiatives[x]. The push for electric vehicles ignores the fact that EV batteries require rare earth minerals, much of which are mined in exploitative conditions in Africa and China[xi]. Additionally, wind and solar energy remain unreliable and costly, with nations like Germany facing energy shortages after phasing out fossil fuels[xii].
3. The Media and Politicians Use Fear, Not Facts
False Climate Predictions That Never Came True
For decades, climate alarmists have issued doomsday predictions that have failed spectacularly.
In the 1970s, climate scientists warned of an impending ice age[xiii].
In 2006, Al Gore predicted that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013—yet Arctic ice levels remain stable [xiv].
The UN claimed that Pacific islands would sink due to rising sea levels, but studies show that most island landmasses have grown, not shrunk[xv].
Hurricanes, Heat Waves, and Natural Disasters are NOT Getting Worse
Contrary to media hysteria, official NOAA data shows no upward trend in hurricanes or extreme weather over the last century [xvi]. The worst U.S. hurricane season occurred between 1900 and 1950—long before “man-made climate change” was a concern [xvii]. Similarly, heatwaves in the 1930s were significantly more intense than those today, yet mainstream media ignores these historical records [xviii].
4. Climate Policies Harm People While Helping No One
Carbon Taxes and Energy Restrictions Hurt the Poor
Climate policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions disproportionately hurt the poor by driving up energy costs. Carbon taxes lead to higher electricity bills, expensive transportation, and inflated food prices—all while having zero measurable impact on global temperature[xix]. Europe’s energy crisis in 2022 was exacerbated by misguided green policies that restricted fossil fuel use [xx].
A War on Food: Attacking Farmers in the Name of Climate
Governments are targeting farmers under the guise of climate action. In the Netherlands, policies aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions have forced thousands of farms to shut down, reducing food supply and raising prices [xxi]. Similar efforts are underway in Canada and Ireland, where government climate plans call for culling cattle populations to lower methane emissions [xxii]. These policies do not “save the planet”—they create food shortages and drive inflation.
Conclusion: The Climate Change Hoax is About Power, Not the Planet
✔ CO₂ is essential for life, not a pollutant. ✔ The Earth has warmed and cooled naturally for millions of years. ✔ Climate alarmism benefits politicians, globalists, and corporations—not regular people. ✔ A warmer Earth brings more life, not destruction.
It’s time to reject the climate change fearmongering and stand up against the lies, bad policies, and economic destruction caused by the radical green agenda.
FOLLOW ME! Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. You “are” welcomed here! I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the stark truth of our world’s state of being, morals, ethics, political and economic realities”. All one has to do is have the time to sit back, be still, and watch what is happening. I have been blessed to have that opportunity to not be overburdened with the rat race where no one can really look at the big picture because they are just trying to get by, pay the rent or mortgage, tend to the family, and try to have time to just sit and watch a football game and release tension. It’s no wonder that those we place in charge are so abusive. They get paid no matter what… they aren’t worried about the next meal… They take advantage of their situations and rake in millions by answering to a cabal that doesn’t give a rats ass about you and I. Well… my friends…. it is long past time that we get fully involved in our government and take charge again. Not just in the states, but all over the world. It is time for the united States of America to be a shining beacon of liberty once again, to motivate the rest of the world to follow suit so that the world can live in liberty… probably for the first time in recorded history.
The Climate Change Hoax: Exposing the Lies, Fearmongering, and Scientific Reality
The prevailing narrative of catastrophic, human-induced climate change has been leveraged to instill fear, justify expansive governmental control, and promote economically detrimental policies. However, a closer examination reveals that Earth’s climate dynamics are predominantly natural, and the benefits of increased atmospheric CO₂ are substantial. This article dismantles the myths surrounding climate change, presenting data-driven arguments to debunk the alarmist agenda.
What prompted me to write this article?
Today, while I was on my daily brazilians (my name for interval sprinting and running) I was wearing my black “I
Global Warming” tank top.
A gentlemen jogging the other direction read the shirt… slowed down… jaw dropped open… came to a complete stop. … I stopped too.
He said, “You can’t be serious!” . …
To which I replied, “Yes”. …
He said, “How could you possibly!?”
Then I proceeded to rattle off the actual science vs. propaganda. I told him about the fact that several degrees rising in temperature will yield tens of thousands of new species, especially in the tropics. I told him that the more CO2 we have, the greener the planet becomes. And, the more plant life the planet has, the more oxygen is produced.
And, more oxygen, of course, leads to more thriving animal and human life.
Well! … He looked like I was speaking another language… Stunned… Not angry… as if he was now considering the possibility that he could be wrong.
We were both in a workout traveling in opposite directions so I ended it by telling him that everything we are being told in the mass media about “climate change” is for the purposes of control through fear. Increasing yet more taxes, scaring us into “lockdowns” and poorer living standards than we have grown accustomed to.
I told him that he needs to start studying on his own and stop reading MSM (mainstream media) and science journals. “It’s a scam”!, I said. And, with that we parted ways. I hope that he comes around. And, I hope that anyone who reads this article, gives it the consideration that it is due. Afterall. Such incredibly serious issues are not things for which we should rely on anyone else… We should rely on our own research and assessment (ie, critical thinking). Enjoy the article.
1. The Science is Flawed:
Climate Change is a Natural Cycle, Not a Man-Made Disaster
Earth’s Climate Has Always Changed—Humans Are Not the Cause
Throughout Earth’s history, climate has undergone significant fluctuations independent of human activity. Ice core samples and geological data reveal 100,000-year Milankovitch cycles—natural shifts in Earth’s orbit that drive global temperature changes [i]. The Medieval Warm Period (900–1300 AD) saw temperatures higher than today, yet industrial emissions were nonexistent [ii] . Conversely, the Little Ice Age (1300–1850 AD) brought centuries of cooling, again without human influence. These historical climate events prove that Earth’s temperature shifts are natural, not driven by carbon emissions.
CO₂ is Not a Pollutant—It’s the Gas of Life
Carbon dioxide is an essential component for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Studies show that elevated CO₂ levels enhance crop yields, increase plant resilience, and improve water-use efficiency [iii]. NASA satellite data confirms that the planet has become 14% greener over the past 30 years due to increased CO₂ fertilization [iv]. During the age of dinosaurs, CO₂ levels were over 2,000 ppm (5x today’s levels), yet the planet supported vast, thriving ecosystems [v].
Warmer Temperatures Mean More Life, Not Less
Warm periods throughout history have led to booms in biodiversity and human prosperity. The Medieval Warm Period allowed agriculture to flourish in areas that are now too cold for large-scale farming [vi]. A few degrees of warming leads to longer growing seasons, more plant growth, and the expansion of habitable zones for wildlife. Contrary to alarmist predictions, human and animal health improves with warmth rather than declines [vii].
2. The Climate Change Agenda
Its About Control, Not Science
The Push to “Stop Climate Change” is a Power Grab
The push to curb climate change is less about saving the planet and more about concentrating power in the hands of governments and global elites. Carbon taxes, emissions regulations, and “Net Zero” policies increase government control over energy production, industry, and private property [viii]. Organizations like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum (WEF) advocate for restrictions that disproportionately harm the middle class while elites continue flying private jets and living lavish lifestyles [ix].
Who Profits from the Green Energy Scam?
The renewable energy industry is a massive financial operation, with billions in government subsidies flowing into solar, wind, and electric vehicle markets. While everyday consumers suffer under rising energy costs, corporate interests and politicians profit from so-called green initiatives [x]. The push for electric vehicles ignores the fact that EV batteries require rare earth minerals, much of which are mined in exploitative conditions in Africa and China [xi]. Additionally, wind and solar energy remain unreliable and costly, with nations like Germany facing energy shortages after phasing out fossil fuels [xii].
3. The Media and Politicians Use Fear, Not Facts
False Climate Predictions That Never Came True
For decades, climate alarmists have issued doomsday predictions that have failed spectacularly.
Hurricanes, Heat Waves, and Natural Disasters are NOT Getting Worse
Contrary to media hysteria, official NOAA data shows no upward trend in hurricanes or extreme weather over the last century [xvi]. The worst U.S. hurricane season occurred between 1900 and 1950—long before “man-made climate change” was a concern [xvii]. Similarly, heatwaves in the 1930s were significantly more intense than those today, yet mainstream media ignores these historical records [xviii].
4. Climate Policies Harm People While Helping No One
Carbon Taxes and Energy Restrictions Hurt the Poor
Climate policies aimed at reducing carbon emissions disproportionately hurt the poor by driving up energy costs. Carbon taxes lead to higher electricity bills, expensive transportation, and inflated food prices—all while having zero measurable impact on global temperature [xix]. Europe’s energy crisis in 2022 was exacerbated by misguided green policies that restricted fossil fuel use [xx].
A War on Food: Attacking Farmers in the Name of Climate
Governments are targeting farmers under the guise of climate action. In the Netherlands, policies aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions have forced thousands of farms to shut down, reducing food supply and raising prices [xxi]. Similar efforts are underway in Canada and Ireland, where government climate plans call for culling cattle populations to lower methane emissions [xxii]. These policies do not “save the planet”—they create food shortages and drive inflation.
Conclusion: The Climate Change Hoax is About Power, Not the Planet
✔ CO₂ is essential for life, not a pollutant.
✔ The Earth has warmed and cooled naturally for millions of years.
✔ Climate alarmism benefits politicians, globalists, and corporations—not regular people.
✔ A warmer Earth brings more life, not destruction.
It’s time to reject the climate change fearmongering and stand up against the lies, bad policies, and economic destruction caused by the radical green agenda.
FOLLOW ME! Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. You “are” welcomed here! I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the stark truth of our world’s state of being, morals, ethics, political and economic realities”. All one has to do is have the time to sit back, be still, and watch what is happening. I have been blessed to have that opportunity to not be overburdened with the rat race where no one can really look at the big picture because they are just trying to get by, pay the rent or mortgage, tend to the family, and try to have time to just sit and watch a football game and release tension. It’s no wonder that those we place in charge are so abusive. They get paid no matter what… they aren’t worried about the next meal… They take advantage of their situations and rake in millions by answering to a cabal that doesn’t give a rats ass about you and I. Well… my friends…. it is long past time that we get fully involved in our government and take charge again. Not just in the states, but all over the world. It is time for the united States of America to be a shining beacon of liberty once again, to motivate the rest of the world to follow suit so that the world can live in liberty… probably for the first time in recorded history.
#ClimateScam #ClimateHoax #FakeScience #CO2IsLife #ClimateAlarmism #EnergyCrisis #FakeNews #GreenEnergyScam #NetZeroFraud #GlobalWarmingMyth
[i] Milankovitch, M. Mathematical Climatology and the Astronomical Theory of Climatic Change.
[ii] Lamb, H. Climate, History, and the Modern World.
[iii] Ainsworth & Long, New Phytologist, 2005.
[iv] NASA, Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, 2016.
[v] Royer, D.L. Geological CO₂ Record, 2006.
[vi] Mann et al., Geophysical Research Letters, 2009.
[vii] Craig Idso, CO₂ Science Journal, 2020.
[viii] UN IPCC, Climate Policy Framework, 2021.
[ix] World Economic Forum, Net Zero Industry Tracker Report, 2022.
[x] IRS, Inflation Reduction Act Report, 2023.
[xi] Amnesty International, Cobalt Mining Report, 2017.
[xii] German Energy Agency, Wind & Solar Efficiency Study, 2021.
[xiii] Newsweek, The Cooling World, 1975.
[xiv] Gore, An Inconvenient Truth, 2006.
[xv] Science Advances, Pacific Atoll Land Study, 2018.
[xvi] NOAA, Hurricane Trends Report, 2022.
[xvii] US Weather Bureau, Historic Storm Analysis, 1950.
[xviii] NOAA, US Heatwave Index, 2022.
[xix] IMF, Carbon Taxation & Economic Impact, 2023.
[xx] Bloomberg, Europe’s Energy Crisis Explained, 2022.
[xxi] Dutch Government, Nitrogen Emission Reduction Plan, 2021.
[xxii] Irish Government, Climate Action Plan, 2023.
the world according to gar
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