At USAID, the news of mass firings was met with emotion so exaggerated, it could only be described as a full-scale theatrical production. Employees, who had never seen a budget large enough, cried as if they were in the midst of a bloodbath. The same people who thought nothing of using taxpayer dollars to fund:
$27,000,000 for “Gender Equality in Afghanistan”
$15,000,000 on “Cultural Tourism” in Egypt
$10,000,000 on “Vegetable Production” in Sri Lanka
$10,000,000 on “Sex Education in Pakistan”
$1,500,000 on “Teaching Transgender Awareness” in Central Asia
$1,200,000 for “Grants to Study Turtles” in the Caribbean
$16,000 for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Rights Conferences“
$10,000 Per-Employee for “Diversity” Training
were now clutching their pearl necklaces and bemoaning the “horrific” loss of their cushy jobs. The scene was nothing short of absurd – as if the world had ended just because their precious admin assistants couldn’t justify another $12,000 invoice for artisanal lattes. To them, the real tragedy was not the firing of underperforming employees, but the loss of their privileged positions in an organization that had mastered the art of spending lavishly on anything except real aid.
FOLLOW ME! Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. You “are” welcomed here! I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the stark truth of our world’s state of being, morals, ethics, political and economic realities”. All one has to do is have the time to sit back, be still, and watch what is happening. I have been blessed to have that opportunity to not be overburdened with the rat race where no one can really look at the big picture because they are just trying to get by, pay the rent or mortgage, tend to the family, and try to have time to just sit and watch a football game and release tension. It’s no wonder that those we place in charge are so abusive. They get paid no matter what… they aren’t worried about the next meal… They take advantage of their situations and rake in millions by answering to a cabal that doesn’t give a rats ass about you and I. Well… my friends…. it is long past time that we get fully involved in our government and take charge again. Not just in the states, but all over the world. It is time for the united States of America to be a shining beacon of liberty once again, to motivate the rest of the world to follow suit so that the world can live in liberty… probably for the first time in recorded history.
At USAID, the news of mass firings was met with emotion so exaggerated, it could only be described as a full-scale theatrical production. Employees, who had never seen a budget large enough, cried as if they were in the midst of a bloodbath. The same people who thought nothing of using taxpayer dollars to fund:
were now clutching their pearl necklaces and bemoaning the “horrific” loss of their cushy jobs. The scene was nothing short of absurd – as if the world had ended just because their precious admin assistants couldn’t justify another $12,000 invoice for artisanal lattes. To them, the real tragedy was not the firing of underperforming employees, but the loss of their privileged positions in an organization that had mastered the art of spending lavishly on anything except real aid.
#USAID #GovtWaste #TaxpayerDollars #ForeignAid #FrivolousSpending #WastefulExpenditures #PublicFunds #GovernmentSpending #CulturalTourism #GenderEquality #LGBTQIA #DiversityTraining #AidWoes #ArtisanalLattes
What do you think!? Let me know, below!
FOLLOW ME! Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. You “are” welcomed here! I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the stark truth of our world’s state of being, morals, ethics, political and economic realities”. All one has to do is have the time to sit back, be still, and watch what is happening. I have been blessed to have that opportunity to not be overburdened with the rat race where no one can really look at the big picture because they are just trying to get by, pay the rent or mortgage, tend to the family, and try to have time to just sit and watch a football game and release tension. It’s no wonder that those we place in charge are so abusive. They get paid no matter what… they aren’t worried about the next meal… They take advantage of their situations and rake in millions by answering to a cabal that doesn’t give a rats ass about you and I. Well… my friends…. it is long past time that we get fully involved in our government and take charge again. Not just in the states, but all over the world. It is time for the united States of America to be a shining beacon of liberty once again, to motivate the rest of the world to follow suit so that the world can live in liberty… probably for the first time in recorded history.
the world according to gar
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