14th Amendment is the Root of all Evil

The Fourteenth Amendment, at its time of creation, was not a product of a sinister or prejudiced intent. Though many believe this to be so, after careful study of historic legislation. Instead, it emerged from a government’s effort to address the aftermath of an immense conflict between the North and South concerning the liberation of “Negroes” (as referred to in their era). The concept that served as a compromise on this issue was the establishment of the category of “Federal citizens” or “US citizens. This designation aimed to grant rights equivalent to those of state citizens, ensuring that newly freed slaves received fair treatment. It’s crucial to understand that the South had initially opposed granting these former slaves equal rights.

During the mid-to-late 1860s and early 1870s, the people were focused on bringing an end to the tumultuous civil war. It’s likely that people at the time were worn out and willing to accept any resolution offered to them. In this context, it was agreed upon to create a novel category of citizenship called “Federal US Citizen”. This designation was specifically intended for newly freed blacks, granting them rights distinct from those of state citizens.

The “Federal US Citizen” classification was essentially straightforward: these individuals would become employees of the Federal government. The Social Security number serves as a unique identifier for such Federal US Citizens, akin to a badge number that officially designates them as government employees. If you examine historical images of original Social Security cards, they actually featured the term “employee” prominently!

The Slaughterhouse Cases”, decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1873, were instrumental in interpreting and clarifying the implications of the Fourteenth Amendment on citizenship rights.

A simple search on Google, even using Wikipedia as a reference (which may not be an ideal source but does give a broader understanding), provides a concise summary of what the Slaughterhouse Cases specifically addressed. These cases were pivotal in shaping our understanding of federal and state citizenship distinctions.

“The Slaughter-House Cases, 83 U.S. 36 i , was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision which ruled that the Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution only protects the legal rights that are associated with Federal U.S. citizenship, not those that pertain to state citizenship.”

The distinction between Federal U.S. Citizenship and state citizenship is clearly laid out in the above quote. To say, “I am a US citizen” refers to Federal U.S. Citizenship, whereas stating “I am a Californian,” denotes state citizenship. This dichotomy still operates in modern times, although it may not be commonly recognized.

Black individuals were first at the forefront of the fight for state citizenship rights, a struggle that spans back to the mid-1800s. Today, this battle has extended and encompassed all of us. We have been duped into a state of slavery… that is to say, all races in America are subject to this tyranny … This fight against oppression is indeed our collective struggle., and virtually no one recognizes it.

To many who have studied the origins of the Fourteenth Amendment, it may appear to be pure evil. It may have come from a place of good intent when it was railroaded into the constitution having never been ratified. But now it is completely outdated and is purely evil in our society. This comes as a shock to most Americans. But, it is critically important to understand the Fourteenth Amendment in action.

The Fourteenth Amendment might have initially held noble intentions. But its current application can only be perceived as malevolent and criminal, as it has usurped liberty and replaced it with servitude by all. The Fourteenth Amendment was never actually ratified. It was forced into the constitution by a series of malfeasant acts. You can read about it in the Congressional Record” included herein.

Since the inception of the Fourteenth Amendment all men and women have been seeking liberty and wondering where the hell it is! Does it even exist?! Due to the egregious nature inherent in the Fourteenth Amendment the world has become a debilitating fight for existence… what with the counting of beans (dollars), and the theft of property (inflation, taxes, licenses, registrations, etc.). The fake “Federal US Citizen” class has created the DMV, CIA, FBI, ATF, CDC (and most other “three-letter agencies”), driver’s licenses, licenses of almost any kind (fishing, hunting, “firearms,” etc), the District of Columbia, the Federal Reserve Bank, police (as opposed to county sheriffs), “traffic” laws and citations, income tax, State tax, smog testing, etc.

Before the invention of the “Federal US Citizen”, the country was simply; the county recorder, the Sheriff’s office and unincorporated trade organizations (not beholden to a façade government) This was the united states of America republic back when there were “state citizens” referred to as, “We the People”).

The county recorder managed titles, deeds and property ownership. There were no corporate county entities that held property rights. Processing fees were miniscule and record of acknowledgement of ownership or release of ownership incurred. We had documents which recorded allodial ownership ii. Not registered “Warranty Deeds” which make you a “tenant” on the property you think you own. County recorders kept ledgers who owned what. This was so the courts (unincorporated and common law) could determine who had a claim of ownership. It was a very simple system. We had county elected sheriffs that were paid by the community government, not on the payroll of a STATE OF STATE corporation… and no police! Sheriffs are constitutional. Police are men paid to collect money in any and every way possible, statutory “code enforcers”. You are abused and bullied even when there are no victims to any actual crime.

After the “Federal US Citizen” was created in the Fourteenth Amendment, a new entity was created… the “UNITED STATES” (a registered corporation). The republic, which owes us a republican form of government, is called the “united states of America” (capitalization critical). And each state of the union is a separate nation state. Similar to Europe with its “European Union”. Where there are a group of states (nations), all of which are separate sovereign nations operating as a union in a “nation of nations”.

In the united states of America republic, each individual state is a separate country. In the new, incorporated “UNITED STATES” all the STATE OF STATES form the incorporated legal fiction. Notice the use of the word “state” for the original unincorporated states and “STATE OF STATES” for the incorporated versions. The corporate names are in all caps. For example, UNITED STATES, STATE OF IDAHO, STATE OF DELEWARE, etc. In the USC (United States Code) the corporate entities are capitalized (ie, “State”, “United States”) being separate and distinct from “united states of America” and “Florida state republic”.

As stated by our congress in the Congressional Record of 1967 (attached in this article), the Fourteenth Amendment was never properly ratified by 2/3rds of the states (a requirement). IT WAS NEVER LAWFULLY OR LEGALLY RATIFIED. It was railroaded through. and once this amendment is struck down, our nation will become the great nation that it once was, and it will happen all at once.

  • Fiat “money” with it’s inflation and control cannot exist in the republic.
  • Traffic stops with all of their intimidation, bullying and extortion will stop, as it is horrifically unconstitutional.

The Fourteenth Amendment was supposedly created to end racism (slavery). However, what it did was create more oppression than had ever existed. While slaves were technically freed, they, and the rest of us lost our liberty to a system of lifelong servitude as a federal citizen (a citizen is a “subject”). the solution to this egregious capture of our libery is to;

  • See the Fourteenth Amendment for what it is.
  • To understand that it had never been legally ratified.
  • Understand that it had been used and set up to confiscate the property of the people, and institute a debt-based system of money


This entire country will heal overnight and in ways that are not even considered in the minds of most americans:

  1. All prisoners who have been convicted of victimless crimes will be released from prison and their records will be scrubbed entirely
  2. All “driver’s licenses” will be null and void. There will be no “registration,” DMV, smog checks, etc
  3. The Income tax and its enforcement agencies entirely abolished INSTANTLY (the original tariff system to support the limited federal government would return).
  4. The CIA, FBI, ATF, police and other law enforcement agencies will all be terminated. All of those assets and some of the personnel can be moved to the rightful commonlaw Sheriff’s departments across the nations 3144 counties.
  5. Federal Reserve Notes will cease. The Central Banks will no longer be in control of the money supply, and we will revert back to the Gold standard. INFLATION WILL NO LONGER EXIST AND AMERICANS WILL THRIVE GREATER THAN THEY DID IN THE FIRST CENTURY OF OUR NATION.
  6. The Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms will once again prevail. Guns, as with all property, will become unrestricted as it must be in order to live in liberty! (a “firearm” is a corporate statutory term and only applies to the fake “Federal US Citizen” which doesn’t exist because the Fourteenth Amendment is invalid!
  7. All licenses, whether they be “trade”, “business”, “Driver’s”, “Marriage”, “Medical”, “Farm”, etc., will all cease to exist. THE FREE MARKET WILL ACTUALLY BE FREE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER!
  8. CPS (Child Protective Services) will be gone all at once. The birth certificate is a “registered” instrument… a financial instrument! Representing a “person” (a corporate entity). The legal excuse for the fake government to be able to come in and take your children will be gone! This is critical in a world where these assholes come into our homes and take children because parents don’t want dangerous chemo or vaccines for their children… in a world where these assholes (CPS) will remove your child for not allowing mutilation of sex organs!!!
  9. The “façade corporation masquerading as a government” administerial court system (everything in them is money drawn from your registered birth certificate) will have to stop immediately and be replaced by actual common law courts at the county levels. We haven’t had these since the end of the Civil War.
  10. All of the original state constitutions (which have been replaced with corporate constitutions that are nothing more than a statutory charter that protects absolutely “no” rights and requires you to submit to statutes) will become the original and standard structure for common law proceedings (not legal) in this country.
  11. All corporate States (STATE OF STATES) will be instantly dissolved. The state republics (unincorporated) will be back in operation. THIS IS CALLED, “RECONSTRUCTION”. And it is what was supposed to happen at the end of the Civil War, but NEVER DID! Counties were supposed to take their rightful place as sovereigns! All State income tax, gas tax, sales tax, cigarette tax, etc, will disappear with the dissolution of the STATE OF STATE corporate fake government.
  12. The public school system… GONENO MORE INDOCTRINATION CAMPS! Schools will revert back to counties, where the people can keep a close eye on, and be part of, their children and the teachings.
  13. The Social Security system and it’s “mark of the beast” SS number will be gone…. PRONTO! No more central databases keeping track of every last damned thing you do in this world!

The Fourteenth Amendment must be nullified IMMEDIATELY. It must be stricken from the records. And, it doesn’t require a Constitutional Convention because it is not a modification of the Constitution. It was never ratified! All that is required is that the Supreme Court rule on it’s recordation in the Constitution and order it removed… a national and state level recognition that it never was a part of the constitution to begin with. It is un-American, inhuman and resolutely unacceptable. This egregious act of an Amendment has utterly destroyed our entire country. It has enslaved us and our descendants. Embedded below is the applicable parts of the Congressional Record from 1967 where congress acknowledged that the Fourteenth Amendment was a farce and even cited the ways in which it is harming the nation.

Join “my” Private Member Association called “Gar’s World” and support my endeavors. I am happy to provide information and insight. I am happy to pick on “democrats”!!! Why!? Because democracy was considered evil by our founding fathers, who created a republic”Don’t be offended if you are a “democrat”. After the past 8 years or so, many people have realized that they actually are not democrats.

i Slaughter-House Cases, 83 US 36 (U.S. Supreme Court – 1873) (multiple quotes):

1. The negro having, by the Fourteenth Amendment, been declared to be a citizen of the United States, is thus made a voter in every State of the Union.

2. The first section of the fourteenth article, to which our attention is more specially invited, opens with a definition of citizenship — not only citizenship of the United States, but citizenship of the States. No such definition was previously found in the Constitution, nor had any attempt been made to define it by act of Congress. It had been the occasion of much discussion in the courts, by the executive departments, and in the public journals. It had been said by eminent judges that no man was a citizen of the United States, except as he was a citizen of one of the States composing the Union. Those, therefore, who had been born and resided always in the District of Columbia or in the Territories, though within the United States, were not citizens.

3. then all the negro race who had recently been made freemen, were still, not only not citizens, but were incapable of becoming so by anything short of an amendment to the Constitution.

To remove this difficulty primarily, and to establish a clear and comprehensive definition of citizenship which should declare what should constitute citizenship of the United States, and also citizenship of a State, the first clause of the first section was framed.

4. The first observation we have to make on this clause is, that it puts at rest both the questions which we stated to have been the subject of differences of opinion. It declares that persons may be citizens of the United States without regard to their citizenship of a particular State, and it overturns the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction citizens of the United States. That its main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the negro can admit of no doubt. The phrase, “subject to its jurisdiction” was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.

5. The next observation is more important in view of the arguments of counsel in the present case. It is, that the distinction between citizenship of the United States and citizenship of a State is clearly recognized and established. Not only may a man be a citizen of the United States without being a citizen of a State, but an important element is necessary to convert the former into the latter. He must reside within the State to make him a citizen of it, but it is only necessary that he should be born or naturalized in the United States to be a citizen of the Union.

It is quite clear, then, that there is a citizenship of the United States, and a citizenship of a State, which are distinct from each other, and which depend upon different characteristics or circumstances in the individual.

6. We think this distinction and its explicit recognition in this amendment of great weight in this argument, because the next paragraph of this same section, which is the one mainly relied on by the plaintiffs in error, speaks only of privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States, and does not speak of those of citizens of the several States.

7. Of the privileges and immunities of the citizen of the United States, and of the privileges and immunities of the citizen of the State, and what they respectively are, we will presently consider; but we wish to state here that it is only the former which are placed by this clause under the protection of the Federal Constitution, and that the latter, whatever they may be, are not intended to have any additional protection by this paragraph of the amendment.

If, then, there is a difference between the privileges and immunities belonging to a citizen of the United States as such, and those belonging to the citizen of the State as such the latter must rest for their security and protection where they have heretofore rested; for they are not embraced by this paragraph of the amendment.

8. Fortunately we are not without judicial construction of this clause of the Constitution. The first and the leading case on the subject is that of Corfield v. Coryell, decided by Mr. Justice Washington in the Circuit Court for the District of Pennsylvania in 1823.

“The inquiry,” he says, “is, what are the privileges and immunities of citizens of the several States? We feel no hesitation in confining these expressions to those privileges and immunities which are fundamental; which belong of right to the citizens of all free governments, and which have at all times been enjoyed by citizens of the several States which compose this Union, from the time of their becoming free, independent, and sovereign. What these fundamental principles are, it would be more tedious than difficult to enumerate. They may all, however, be comprehended under the following general heads: protection by the government, with the right to acquire and possess property of every kind, and to pursue and obtain happiness and safety, subject, nevertheless, to such restraints as the government may prescribe for the general good of the whole.”

9. In the case of Paul v. Virginia, the court, in expounding this clause of the Constitution, says that “the privileges and immunities secured to citizens of each State in the several States, by the provision in question, are those privileges and immunities which are common to the citizens in the latter States under their constitution and laws by virtue of their being citizens.”

10. It would be the vainest show of learning to attempt to prove by citations of authority, that up to the adoption of the recent amendments, no claim or pretence was set up that those rights depended on the Federal government for their existence or protection, beyond the very few express limitations which the Federal Constitution imposed upon the States — such, for instance, as the prohibition against ex post facto laws, bills of attainder, and laws impairing the obligation of contracts. But with the exception of these and a few other restrictions, the entire domain of the privileges and immunities of citizens of the States, as above defined, lay within the constitutional and legislative power of the States, and without that of the Federal government.

11. That wherever a legislature has the right to accomplish a certain result, and that result is best attained by means of a corporation, it has the right to create such a corporation, and to endow it with the powers necessary to effect the desired and lawful purpose, seems hardly to admit of debate

12. In the early history of the organization of the government, its statesmen seem to have divided on the line which should separate the powers of the National government from those of the State governments, and though this line has never been very well defined in public opinion, such a division has continued from that day to this.

The adoption of the first eleven amendments to the Constitution so soon after the original instrument was accepted, shows a prevailing sense of danger at that time from the Federal power. And it cannot be denied that such a jealousy continued to exist with many patriotic men until the breaking out of the late civil war. It was then discovered that the true danger to the perpetuity of the Union was in the capacity of the State organizations to combine and concentrate all the powers of the State, and of contiguous States, for a determined resistance to the General Government.

13. it had never been held in any case which had come under its observation, either in the State or Federal courts, that a corporation was a citizen within the meaning of the clause in question, entitling the citizens of each State to the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States.

14. The people of this country brought with them to its shores the rights of Englishmen; the rights which had been wrested from English sovereigns at various periods of the nation’s history. One of these fundamental rights was expressed in these words, found in Magna Charta: “No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseized of his freehold or liberties or free customs, or be outlawed or exiled, or any otherwise destroyed; nor will we pass upon him or condemn him but by lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.”

ii Allodial ownership refers to the absolute ownership of land, free from any superior landlord or sovereign’s obligations, whereas a tenant on a deed has a shared ownership or interest in the property, often with specific rights and responsibilities. In an allodial title, the owner has complete control over the land and can use it, sell it, or bequeath it without needing permission from a superior authority, whereas a tenant on a deed has limited rights and may be subject to the STATE OF STATE listed on the title or deed.

Key differences between allodial ownership and a tenant on a deed include:

Absolute ownership: Allodial ownership implies absolute ownership, free from any higher claims, whereas a tenant on a deed has a shared or limited interest in the property.

Control and decision-making: Allodial owners have complete control over the land and can make decisions without needing permission from others, whereas tenants on a deed may have limited control and decision-making power (ie, property tax, easements, permitting to build, etc.).

Rights and responsibilities: Allodial owners have unparalleled rights and are not subject to the same responsibilities or obligations as tenants on a deed, such as paying rent (property tax) or adhering to specific terms.

Taxation and liability: Allodial owners are exempt from taxes or liabilities, whereas tenants on a deed may be subject to taxes, liabilities, or other financial obligations.

If you have read this far, then you are awake or are waking up fast.

You “are” welcome here. I’ll provide lots of awesome music, photography, art, media, commentary, and “information on the true nature of our republic”. I am motivated to “turn this world on” – to the true “liberty” that is ours for the taking.

“LIBERTY!!!” — Something that not a single person alive today has “actually” experienced.

#14thAmendment #StatesRights #ConstitutionalLaw #GovernmentOverreach #HistoryMatters #ConservativePolitics #FederalPower #LibertyFirst #USConstitution #AmericaFirst


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    14th Amendment is the Root of all Evil
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