Electric vehicles (EVs) have been hailed as the future of sustainable transportation, promising to revolutionize the way we think about driving and the environment. But amidst all the buzz about their environmental benefits (which are actually non-existent) and high-tech features (sadly resulting in the loss of human autonomy in travel), there’s one HOT topic that keeps popping up: EV fires.
Despite their touted eco-friendly credentials and “coolness”, electric cars have been involved in many, many fiery incidents. While internal combustion engine vehicles have long been known to catch fire in certain conditions, EVs are massively devastating in every fire.
So, what’s behind this phenomenon? EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which, when damaged, improperly handled, or suffering malfunctioning during charging, can lead to thermal runaway, causing fires that are more intense and extremely difficult to put out.
The battery’s chemistry is extremely volatile, and once a fire ignites, it can quickly escalate, making it difficult for first responders to extinguish. You may recall an 11th Grade chemistry experiment wherein you heated up a small piece of manganese. When it ignited it became a massive flare. This is analogous to the lithium fires.
If one EV in a row of charging EVs catches fire, the flare is so large that within a half minute to 45 seconds, the whole row of cars will be engulfed in flames. While such incidents seem relatively rare in comparison to the number of EVs on the road, they are far deadlier. The flare occurs so rapidly that it is virtually impossible for the occupants to escape the car. Fortunately, there are usually no occupants when charging. But, the same can not be said for accidents on the road.
Electric vehicles come with their own set of risks and challenges. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? For me, it is similar to the idiotic drug commercials that spend 30 seconds rattling off all of the risks (death, paralysis, crapping yourself, heart attack, cancer, etc.) and then a voice says, “Ask your doctor if its right for you!”. THAT’S A HARD NO!
The risks do not outweigh the benefits. I can get from point A to point B without the risk of becoming a human charcoal. I can get from point A to point B without supporting a technology that uses central databases to navigate, and will one day take over human driver’s completely leaving me subject to a central navigation system controlled by a central government that will then be able to restrict my travel. No thanks. I’m not signing up for that, and neither should you.
As for the idea that it is “green energy” and sustainable I call bull shit. It takes 10 years of a gas car’s carbon emissions to put a single EV on the road. And the idea that carbon (the base element of all life on the planet) emissions is somehow antithetical to human life is absurd on its face. Increased CO2 actually “greens” the planet. And that, in turn, provides even more O2 (oxygen). Plants and Animals thrive in this environment. It the planet should warm up by a few degrees over a hundred years, it will yield thousands of new species and cause existing species to thrive.
If science is to be given credence, then we have recently come out of a 47,000 year hot/cold cycle and we are at the cold side moving in the warm direction. It is unbelievably audacious for anyone to tell you that your actions will effect a 47,000 year cycle. And, I have to tell you, you have to be an idiot to believe this nonsense. Now, don’t feel that I am insulting you. I was there, too. … Until I started thinking for myself, evaluating available data, and broke away from believing that Academia is not capable of lying or being wrong. LMAO. Wow! These last four years should have awaken everyone on earth!
Further, the extraction of oil and gas will not end because of the “green movement”. Power plants will always be “required backup” for the unreliable and expensive green energy (hopefully this bullshit waste of money will stop soon). The equipment that is used to build skyscrapers and infrastructure will still remain to be fossil fuels.
And, on top of this fuel usage continuing, new and large swaths of the earth will be bastardized by extracting lithium, whose miners will always have short life expectancies because that is the nature of lithium mining (average lifespan of lithium miner: 30 years).
So, in this case, take off your tinfoil hat you bleeding heart liberals! Relax! Go enjoy a picnic lunch with your family and friends! Drive there in a gas car!
If you want to be fired up, then make it about a passionate endeavor that makes your life better. Stop virtue signaling and worrying about ridiculous “end of world” scenarios. Better to be fired up about a hobby or career than being fired up by your EV!
EVs are Igniting the Future… Literally
The Hot Topic of EVs:
Electric vehicles (EVs) have been hailed as the future of sustainable transportation, promising to revolutionize the way we think about driving and the environment. But amidst all the buzz about their environmental benefits (which are actually non-existent) and high-tech features (sadly resulting in the loss of human autonomy in travel), there’s one HOT topic that keeps popping up: EV fires.
Despite their touted eco-friendly credentials and “coolness”, electric cars have been involved in many, many fiery incidents. While internal combustion engine vehicles have long been known to catch fire in certain conditions, EVs are massively devastating in every fire.
So, what’s behind this phenomenon? EVs are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which, when damaged, improperly handled, or suffering malfunctioning during charging, can lead to thermal runaway, causing fires that are more intense and extremely difficult to put out.
The battery’s chemistry is extremely volatile, and once a fire ignites, it can quickly escalate, making it difficult for first responders to extinguish. You may recall an 11th Grade chemistry experiment wherein you heated up a small piece of manganese. When it ignited it became a massive flare. This is analogous to the lithium fires.
If one EV in a row of charging EVs catches fire, the flare is so large that within a half minute to 45 seconds, the whole row of cars will be engulfed in flames. While such incidents seem relatively rare in comparison to the number of EVs on the road, they are far deadlier. The flare occurs so rapidly that it is virtually impossible for the occupants to escape the car. Fortunately, there are usually no occupants when charging. But, the same can not be said for accidents on the road.
Electric vehicles come with their own set of risks and challenges. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? For me, it is similar to the idiotic drug commercials that spend 30 seconds rattling off all of the risks (death, paralysis, crapping yourself, heart attack, cancer, etc.) and then a voice says, “Ask your doctor if its right for you!”. THAT’S A HARD NO!
The risks do not outweigh the benefits. I can get from point A to point B without the risk of becoming a human charcoal. I can get from point A to point B without supporting a technology that uses central databases to navigate, and will one day take over human driver’s completely leaving me subject to a central navigation system controlled by a central government that will then be able to restrict my travel. No thanks. I’m not signing up for that, and neither should you.
As for the idea that it is “green energy” and sustainable I call bull shit. It takes 10 years of a gas car’s carbon emissions to put a single EV on the road. And the idea that carbon (the base element of all life on the planet) emissions is somehow antithetical to human life is absurd on its face. Increased CO2 actually “greens” the planet. And that, in turn, provides even more O2 (oxygen). Plants and Animals thrive in this environment. It the planet should warm up by a few degrees over a hundred years, it will yield thousands of new species and cause existing species to thrive.
If science is to be given credence, then we have recently come out of a 47,000 year hot/cold cycle and we are at the cold side moving in the warm direction. It is unbelievably audacious for anyone to tell you that your actions will effect a 47,000 year cycle. And, I have to tell you, you have to be an idiot to believe this nonsense. Now, don’t feel that I am insulting you. I was there, too. … Until I started thinking for myself, evaluating available data, and broke away from believing that Academia is not capable of lying or being wrong. LMAO. Wow! These last four years should have awaken everyone on earth!
Further, the extraction of oil and gas will not end because of the “green movement”. Power plants will always be “required backup” for the unreliable and expensive green energy (hopefully this bullshit waste of money will stop soon). The equipment that is used to build skyscrapers and infrastructure will still remain to be fossil fuels.
And, on top of this fuel usage continuing, new and large swaths of the earth will be bastardized by extracting lithium, whose miners will always have short life expectancies because that is the nature of lithium mining (average lifespan of lithium miner: 30 years).
So, in this case, take off your tinfoil hat you bleeding heart liberals! Relax! Go enjoy a picnic lunch with your family and friends! Drive there in a gas car!
If you want to be fired up, then make it about a passionate endeavor that makes your life better. Stop virtue signaling and worrying about ridiculous “end of world” scenarios. Better to be fired up about a hobby or career than being fired up by your EV!
You only live once! Make it awesome!
the world according to gar
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