This is an incomplete song that was inspired by my feeling so damned blessed over being in a country in which I have experienced peace and prosperity my entire life. I wrote it due to the horrendous evil being perpetrated in Iraq at the time.
I never finished the song because I began to wake up about the nature of war, dictators, cabal, bankers, etc.
Still, I feel incredibly blessed. I think I was born at the best time that one could have been born. I never was faced with having to participate in a war… technology was rapidly creating all kinds of new toys that were unimaginable years before. I never encountered discrimination in any way, shape or form. Life was good.
But, understanding that every war in the 20th century has been manufactured by the Banking Cartel for economic and political gain, just totally disheartened me at the time. I was writing a song with a patriotic base. But, at the same time, I felt egregiously deceived. And, it was more important to share the true nature of events in the world, then to sing about a narrative based upon false presumptions.
These were the early days of waking up to reality. I was red-pilled.
Still, musically it was an interesting piece that I was developing and I think its worth the listen.